Mobile Court commences work in Bentiu

 The national justice ministry and the Unity State government with support from UNMISS’ Rule of Law Department on Monday launched a 30-day Mobile Court in Bentiu.

Speaking during the launch, Unity State Governor Justice Gen. Riek Biem Tap said that justice had finally come to the state.

“I promised you three weeks ago when I arrived in the state that there will be a court that will handle cases of rape, murder, and other minor cases,” he said. “The reason for forming the Mobile Court is to introduce justice to our people and everyone should know their rights.”

For his part, Stephen Simon, a justice of the Court of Appeal, said they will handle the backlog of cases.

“I came here to represent the appeal court and resident courts to solve the cases that have happened here. The mobile court that has been established today will work on cases that affected the community, especially rape, defilement, and murder,” he stated. “I came with the two judges, Aguile kut will be solving the murder and rape cases while I have another judge who will handle minor cases.”

The judge added: “The Mobile Court is going to hear 34 murder cases, 25 rape cases, and 7 other minor cases.”

He said the investigations for the cases are complete and the files are just awaiting court.

Meanwhile, Kwame Dwamena-Aboagye, the head of the UNMISS field office in Unity State, said they will support the state government in reforming the justice sector.

“UNMISS thanks the governor for requesting the team of justices to come to Bentiu,” he said. Today (Monday), we launched the Mobile Court and the community will raise their cases to the court.”