Misseriya Humr clans sign truce in West Kordofan capital

The Awlad Omran and Zeyut clans of the Misseriya Humr tribe in Sudan’s West Kordofan signed a cessation of hostilities agreement on Friday in El Fula town, recommitted to respect a truce signed previously.

The Awlad Omran and Zeyut clans of the Misseriya Humr tribe in Sudan’s West Kordofan signed a cessation of hostilities agreement on Friday in El Fula town, recommitted to respect a truce signed previously.

Clashes previously erupted between the two clans over a piece of land that left more than 44 tribesmen dead.

Abu Obeida Mohamed, a youth leader, told Radio Tamazuj that a final peace and reconciliation conference between the two feuding clans will be convened on 7 November in En Nahud town.  

Mohamed further said the signing ceremony will be attended by traditional leaders and government officials.

The recent agreement resolved to form joint committees from the two sides in order to discuss agendas of the conference, according to the youth leader.

He pointed out that the two warring clans have vowed to respect the date of the meeting. Abu Obeida added that preparatory meetings of the conference will be held late this week in Babanusa town, saying the mediation is ready to facilitate the dialogue between the two sides.

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