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AWEIL - 2 Jul 2014

Medicine arrives in Aweil North, N. Bahr El Ghazal

Health centers in Aweil North County received a shipment of medicine Monday from the Northern Bahr el Ghazal State Ministry of Health.

The shipment had been delayed due to poor roads connecting Aweil and Gok Machar.

Gabriel Garang Lual, director of Gok Machar Hospital, told Radio Tamazuj that they distributed the medicine to different health units within Aweil North County.

He said not all payams and bomas have received their medicine yet but they should receive theirs soon.  There are 28 health centers in the county, he said.

Garang said that despite the new shipment there is still not enough malaria medication.  He also complained that the county has only one ambulance and lacks medical personnel at Gok Machar Hospital.

Garang encouraged health workers to come to Aweil North to work, adding that the county will open a new midwives’ hospital this week.