South Sudanese journalist Sisto Germano Ohide (Photo: Courtesy of Singaita Radio)

Media watchdog CPJ urges release of detained E. Equatoria journalist

The Committee to Protect Journalists on Thursday called on South Sudan authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Singaita FM journalist Sisto Germano Ohide, who is ill and undergoing malaria treatment.

 “Sisto Germano Ohide’s arrest is yet another stain on South Sudan’s already poor press freedom record, and it is deeply worrying that he remains in custody while severely ill,” said CPJ Africa Program Coordinator Muthoki Mumo, in Nairobi. “Authorities should release Ohide and drop all charges against him.”

On August 6, police in Kapoeta town in Eastern Equatoria State took Ohide into custody after producing a warrant accusing him of defamation, but released him shortly afterward so that he could receive malaria treatment, according to Singaita FM station manager David Mayen. When the journalist appeared at the station as directed on August 7, he was arrested and later transferred to Torit Central Police Station, about 75 miles away, where he remains detained without charge.

On Tuesday, Radio Tamazuj reported that Ohide’s arrest is believed to be connected to his July 26 report, aired by Singaita FM, about a dispute between a local Catholic diocese and a woman accused of breaking a statue belonging to the church.

South Sudanese journalists report frequent obstruction, harassment and arbitrary arrests by the authorities, limiting their ability to inform the public.

South Sudan ranks 136th out of 180 countries in Reporters Without Borders’ annual World Press Freedom Index 2024.