Manyo County, Upper Nile short of medicine

The commissioner of Manyo County in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State announced shortages of medicines in government areas.

The commissioner of Manyo County in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State announced shortages of medicines in government areas.

Manyo Commissioner Rajeb Deng Ajak said he has visited four payams under government control but saw no medicine available. He was especially concerned about the lack of drugs to treat malaria and diarrhea.

“The security situations is calm but they major things in the areas is shortages of medicines in the payam clinics and this resulted into people becoming the victims,” Deng said.

However, Deng could not name the payams he toured. He said he has previously asked the state government to send medicine.

Manyo county has been contested between the government and rebel forces.

“Last time I asked the state to supply some medicines to Manyo because most of its area are under the government controlled areas,” Deng stated.

Deng alleged that this month the state and NGOs working in the areas sent drugs to Manyo County but the authorities directed them to Kaka because of the humanitarian situation there. 

The Commissioner said the county headquarter is under rebel control.

Deng added that there is also a lack of food.

He asked UN agencies for help.

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