Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit stand on their vehicle during a military-backed rally, in Mayo district, south of Khartoum, Sudan, Saturday, June 29, 2019. (AP photo)

Manwashi IDPs share accounts of abuses under RSF

Over 450 families who escaped violence in Manwashi locality in South Darfur and sought refuge in El Fasher, Sudan’s North Darfur State, have come forward to reveal the horrifying and inhumane treatment they endured at the hands of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the area.

Over 450 families who escaped violence in Manwashi locality in South Darfur and sought refuge in El Fasher, Sudan’s North Darfur State, have come forward to reveal the horrifying and inhumane treatment they endured at the hands of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the area.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Monday, Sheikh Hammad Adam Ali stressed the need for immediate intervention in their dire situation, highlighting the challenges of reaching El Fasher. Some of the displaced individuals from Manwashi locality found shelter in neighboring villages, including Karamji, Jaqara, Kalka, Karbab, Najia, Tabeldia, Khor Abeche, Kadanga, Kafanki, and Misko.

Several women recounted the grim conditions they endured following an armed attack on Manwashi by militias. One woman described the brutality they faced: “We were flogged with a whip, which was made from a tree branch. Women and men, young and old, were killed.”

Some women tragically lost their children due to miscarriages, while others gave birth while fleeing the violence, she added.

The women shared their profound fear and urged organizations to provide essential necessities such as food, water, and shelter equipment, as they were left with nothing by the assailants.

One woman described giving birth to her child, who was less than forty days old. Her husband was beaten in front of her and falsely accused of being a soldier in the army, leading to severe injuries and prolonged bleeding.

“Armed militias burned the village of Hamada, where those fleeing from Manwashi had sought refuge, and destroyed pipes and grain mills,” she added.

The displaced individuals, escaping the horrors of Manwashi, appealed to local and international organizations, regional and state governments, the Ministry of Health, as well as youth and women’s initiatives for immediate intervention.

They urgently require essentials such as blankets, food, clean water, and medical assistance, particularly as the winter season approaches.

Fighting between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) erupted on April 15 over tensions linked to a planned transition to civilian rule. It has devastated the capital Khartoum and sparked ethnically driven attacks in the Darfur region.

After nearly six months of fighting, an estimated 9,000 people have been killed and another 5.6 million forced to flee their homes, according to the United Nations.