Man killed while watching football in West Kordofan

A 30-year-old man was found dead at Um Adar area in Keilak Locality in Sudan’s West Kordofan State after he was stabbed severally while watching a football match, eyewitnesses said.

A 30-year-old man was found dead at Um Adar area in Keilak Locality in Sudan’s West Kordofan State after he was stabbed severally while watching a football match, eyewitnesses said.

The eyewitnesses told Radio Tamazuj yesterday that they were watching a football match between Barcelona FC and Paris Saint German FC in which Barcelona FC won over the weekend.

They said that the late, whose name is not known, supported Barcelona but was seated near a Saint German fan who was angered by their defeat.

While celebrating the win, the late, who was screaming provoked the Saint German fan who instantly took a knife and stabbed him severally leading to excessive bleeding that caused his death.

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