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Duk - 24 Nov 2022

Man killed as local youth exchange fire in Duk

A man was killed as two local youth groups exchanged fire in Duk County of Jonglei state, a local official said. 

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, John Chatim Ruei, the Duk County commissioner, said the Wednesday evening incident occurred at a dating site in Pajut Payam. 

“The incident occurred at 8 pm. What happened was that there was a group of youths dating a girl near the airstrip. While they were in communications, another group of local youth emerged from the bushes to also come for a date,” he narrated. “So, accidentally, the groups ended up exchanging fire as they mistook themselves for cattle raiders.”

In the process, one young man was killed, Commissioner Chatim added. 

The local official said the incident was unfortunate and urged those in possession of weapons to be cautious to avoid any deaths.