Man arrested for allegedly killing his son in Aweil West

Officials in Aweil West County of Northern Bahr el Ghazal have arrested a man for allegedly killing his son by shooting him last week.

Officials in Aweil West County of Northern Bahr el Ghazal have arrested a man for allegedly killing his son by shooting him last week.

Aweil West County Police Inspector, Major Deng Mathon Akot, told Radio Tamazuj Tong Deng Mabior who is in his 70s, is accused of killing 25-year-old Kon Tong Mabior on Sunday. 

“The two clashed over a family dispute and the man shot his son to death. The man has been arrested and he will be transported to Nyamlel prison for more investigations," he said. 

Mathon said the suspect was arrested in Achana Payam.

Zeinab Ibrahim, a member of the Women Peace Forum (WPF) in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, has strongly condemned the killing, saying there is a rise in such cases in the state. 

She urged the people to find peaceful means of resolving disputes to reduce the loss of lives.