Malaria cases in Tonj North overwhelming health facilities

Tonj North County authorities have warned that health centers in the area are dangerously overcrowded with patients suffering from malaria and typhoid.

Tonj North County authorities have warned that health centers in the area are dangerously overcrowded with patients suffering from malaria and typhoid.

Commissioner Marko Awuoc visited the local hospital on Thursday to take stock of the situation and found 125 patients had been admitted.

“When I asked the doctors on what happened in the hospital… he said I can call it an outbreak of malaria in Tonj North,” he said.

He said he has received assurances from the Warrap state health ministry that medical teams will soon be arriving to assess the situation.

The Medical Director for Tonj North County Albino Madut Akot said the situation is not just limited to that area.

“I have visited to one payam named Aliep last week and I found the same issue in the area,” he said. “And also similar to the rest of the payams that I have received health reports and we discover from all payams that the issue was the sign of outbreak of malaria.”