Malakia 107, Nasir 88 in Juba basketball

Malakia (in red) beat Nasir (in yellow) by 107 points to 88 points on Wednesday at Nimra Talata basketball stadium in the Central Equatoria league.

Malakia (in red) beat Nasir (in yellow) by 107 points to 88 points on Wednesday at Nimra Talata basketball stadium in the Central Equatoria league.

The first and second period of the match saw a close contest between the two squads, with Malakia trailing Nasir 14 to 18 in the first quarter. Malakia outscored Nasir 24 to 16 in the second to take the lead, however, then continued to extend its lead with 33 to 28 in the third quarter and 36 to 25 in the fourth.

Malakia’s manager Bushra says Nasir played well, but lack of exercises caused weakness in addition to Nasir’s coach traveling a lot. Malakia itself, however, had three players missing on travel to USA. The team is trying to move out of fifth place in the league.