Machar appoints new governor of Bieh after death of Rambang

Photo: Riek Machar

South Sudan’s rebel leader, Riek Machar appointed Gen. Simon Hoth Duol as governor of Bieh State to replace Koang Rambang, who has died recently.

South Sudan’s rebel leader, Riek Machar appointed Gen. Simon Hoth Duol as governor of Bieh State to replace Koang Rambang, who has died recently.

“Pursuant to the resolutions of the SPLM Political Bureau September 23, 2016 and SPLM (IO) Constitution, I Riek Machar-Teny Dhurgon, Chairman and Commander-in-Chief, SPLM/SPLA(IO), do hereby appoint Brig. Gen. Simon Hoth Duol Bol as governor of Bieh State with effect from 3rd July 2018,” partly reads Machar’s 3 July statement.

Previously, Gen. Duol was the deputy governor of Bieh state prior to his promotion.

In another statement, Machar appointed Pal Mai Deng as the deputy governor of Bieh State.