Residents of Maban County protest against county commissioner Peter Alberto (Radio Tamazuj)

Maban residents protest against commissioner

Angry protesters on Tuesday staged demonstrations in Bunj town of Maban County, Upper Nile State, demanding the immediate ouster of County Commissioner Peter Alberto.

The commissioner is a member of the opposition SPLM-IO led by First Vice President Riek Machar.

Juma Lago Yoya, a traditional leader of the Maban tribes, told Radio Tamazuj that the peaceful protests against the commissioner’s policies came to demand his removal after he “abused his power and caused suffering to citizens after his illegal campaign in the markets, which caused a scarcity of goods and an increase in prices.”

The Maban community leader pointed out that the locals will continue peaceful demonstrations against the commissioner’s policies to reclaim their rights.

“The commissioner has been working alone without the other officials in the county. He has sold out six vehicles meant for the county and other properties. Also, the commissioner has taken a lot of money from the market through the security committee, which has affected the prices in the market,” he said.

“We have presented our petition to the security committee to raise our issue to the state government. We don’t want other things than the return of the properties and removal of the commissioner,” he added.

Meanwhile, James Daud, Chairman of the Maban County Youth Union, said that the peaceful demonstration aims to demand the commissioner’s dismissal, the return of the cars, and the recovery of the money and property of traders that were taken by the security committee.

Residents of Maban county protest against commissioner

He pointed out that the commissioner’s escape by closing the offices of the civil administration, youth and women and freezing their activities is not supported by law and is an attempt to silence the public.

“The protests are being staged by youth, women, and the native administration because the commissioner has sold out vehicles and properties in some offices in the county. The protest against the commissioner is to demand his removal because citizens don’t want him. Also, we want him to return the vehicles to the county headquarters. He also took some items and properties from the citizens in the market, so we want him to bring back those things,” he explained.

For his part, Maban County Police Director Brig Gen. Isaac Chol said that the demonstrations were peaceful and ended peacefully without any major security threats.

“I would like to inform the public that the protests were peaceful, and nothing was damaged. The protesters gathered in Freedom Square, and we talked to them. Their main issue is that they don’t want the commissioner,” he said.

“We asked them to leave after we promised to handle the issue they have raised. So now they have left, and the situation is normal,” he added.

The police officer pointed out that the Maban County Security Committee, led by the army, detained the county commissioner for his safety and security after the protesters refused to leave Freedom Square until the commissioner is removed.