Maban official claims rebels attacked govt militia

The commissioner of Maban County in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State has accused SPLA-IO fighters of attacking their positions in the area on 25 September.

The commissioner of Maban County in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State has accused SPLA-IO fighters of attacking their positions in the area on 25 September.

Commissioner John Ivo Mounto told Radio Tamazuj the rebels had crossed to Kangi and Ling areas where they clashed with aligned Maban Defense Forces militia.

He further said one of the militia was critically injured in the clashes and that he was admitted to Maban Hospital for treatment. However, the county official reiterated their commitment to respect ceasefire agreement.

Meanwhile, independent sources confirmed to Radio Tamazuj that a large number of cattle keepers not rebels were attacked by the Maban Defense Forces militia while attempting to cross between the Ling and Kangi areas.  

SPLA-IO spokesperson Dickson Gatluak recently said the Maban Defense Forces attacked SPLA-In Opposition infantry who were moving from Odear to the north.


South Sudan rebels accuse govt mliitia of Maban attack (27 Sep.)