Lou Nuer youth urged to withdraw from greater Pibor

An official has urged Lou Nuer youth involved in ongoing clashes in parts of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) to retreat to their areas to pave the way for dialogue.

An official has urged Lou Nuer youth involved in ongoing clashes in parts of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) to retreat to their areas to pave the way for dialogue.

Nyang Chuol Dhuor, head of the Jonglei investigation sub-committee made the remarks at a rally in the town of Waat on Thursday.

The investigation sub-committee comprises of 10 members.

Dhuor said the investigation team has been engaging traditional leaders to help end inter-communal clashes in the greater Jonglei.

“The government is seeking a political solution, not military intervention to these conflicts. The White Army is an organized group so we are engaging youth leaders, spiritual leaders, and traditional chiefs so that conflicting groups cease hostilities. This will be followed by an investigation process to find those involved and seek solutions,” said Nyang.

“We will leave Nyirol County only after the fighting stops,” he added.

The official further urged politicians to desist from prolonging the ongoing inter-communal clashes in the Greater Jonglei region.

The Greater Jonglei region is plagued by recurring intercommunal tensions involving the Dinka, Nuer and Murle communities. The cycle of violence is often accompanied by cattle raids, child abductions, and other revenge-inducing crimes.

Fighting has been ongoing in parts of Greater Pibor between the Murle youth and their counterparts from Jonglei since May.