Uror County chiefs and other participants at a customary law conference. Radio Tamazuj file photo.

Lou Nuer communities resolve to live in peace

Lou Nuer communities from Jonglei State’s Akobo and Uror counties have resolved to bury their hatchets.

Lou Nuer communities from Jonglei State’s Akobo and Uror counties have resolved to bury their hatchets.

 A two-day meeting held from 15th January in Pieri town, Uror County, saw the two sides strike a reconciliatory tone.

The event was attended by some 150 participants, including politicians, traditional leaders and military officers from the two sides.

Machot Gatluak Kenyjak, Uror County Commissioner, told Radio Tamazuj Saturday that the conference sought to foster peace by ensuring that shared resources are utilized without conflict.

“During this dry season, communities come together to share water points, and this often results in conflict. So we are here to ensure that grazing sites and water points are shared by all communities without conflict,” he said.

“We also agreed to end our local differences by embarking on blood compensation and jointly combating crime by apprehending inter-county criminals,” he added.

The county commissioner said the conferences reaffirmed the need for peaceful coexistence between neighbouring communities.

For his part, Commissioner Puok Nyang, who headed the delegation from Akobo County, said the two-day event was fruitful and ushered in a new chapter in the Lou Nuer Community’s peaceful coexistence.

“Our Lou Nuer youth have been killing themselves for a long time, so it is necessary that they are brought together to peacefully co-exist. Those killed should be compensated, and cattle raiders should be apprehended,” he said.