Lost Boys building women’s school in Aweil

The Lost Boys Rebuilding South Sudan organization has begun work on a new school for women in Aweil, Northern Bahr al Ghazal State.

The Lost Boys Rebuilding South Sudan organization has begun work on a new school for women in Aweil, Northern Bahr al Ghazal State.

William Machok, National Director of the Lost Boys, told Radio Tamazuj that the school will be the main leadership academy for women in the state.

“We have built six centers in Aweil East and we have seen there was progress going on and that’s why we extended to Aweil town as the major center for women across Northern Bahr al Ghazal state,” Machok said.

He said the school will teach leadership and academic subjects up to level 8 rather then technical skills, and will target young women who dropped out from studies.

Machok said the school will offer classes in the morning and evening hours.

State Caretaker Governor Kuel Aguer Kuel laid a foundation stone for the school at the end of last week.

Funds for building the school were donated by the Lyons Club International organization in partnership with the Lost Boys.

The school is scheduled to be completed next month.