Governor Rizik Hassan Zachariah

Lol governor makes new appointments in his government

The governor of South Sudan’s Lol State has issued gubernatorial orders appointing a deputy governor, a peace adviser and a county commissioner.

The governor of South Sudan’s Lol State has issued gubernatorial orders appointing a deputy governor, a peace adviser and a county commissioner.

Governor Rizik Hassan Zachariah, according to the order which became public on Tuesday appointed Lual Jongluel Thiep as new deputy governor filling in a vacancy created in November last year after the governor dismissed his then deputy Mayol Akok Mayol.

Jongluel has served as Atokthou county commissioner until his new appointment.

Governor Hassan also appointed Diing Reec Diing as the new commissioner of Atokthou and Santino Akoon Chimiir Mayuol commissioner of Korok Center.

Separately, the governor appointed Joseph Garang Deng Tong as Advisor for Peace and Reconciliation in the state.