Local radio back on air in Yambio after months

Anisa FM, a radio station managed by the Catholic Church in South Sudan’s Gbudue State, is back on air after more than five month.

Anisa FM, a radio station managed by the Catholic Church in South Sudan's Gbudue State, is back on air after more than five month.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj from Yambio town on Friday, the station director, Fr. Justin Gizaza said a solar system acquired from Uganda has resolved the power issue, which the station has been facing since June last year.

He said the radio, which currently covers a radius of about 100km, operates from 6:00 am to 10:00 am [local time] and from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Anisa FM is part of the Catholic Radio Network, which coordinates and supports a network of FM broadcasters under the various dioceses in Yei, Wau, Tonj, Torit, Rumbek and Gidel in the Nuba Mountains.