Local organization provides psychosocial support to girls in South Darfur

The Director of Future Educational Foundation in Sudan’s South Darfur State, Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed Abdel Aziz, has revealed that his organization has been providing psychological and social support services to more than 13,000 citizens from various segments of society in the 21 neighborhoods of Nyala city.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday after a psychosocial support session for young women in the Al-Wadi neighborhood, he said they have managed to bring a large number of participants out of the war culture they have lived through for more than a year.

“Al-Wadi neighborhood is one of the most affected areas in Nyala city due to its central location,” Dr. Mohammed stated. “Therefore, we provided psychosocial and social support to young women in the neighborhood to help them overcome the effects of the war, in coordination with Nuhoudh Charity Association.”

Mehrab Mustafa Yusuf said that through her participation in the psychosocial support workshop, she realized the extent of the need for psychological support.

“I learned how to support myself during difficult times and crises,” she said.

A university student, Razan Mohammed Ahmed, shared that she had felt demoralized due to the war and the interruption of her studies but that through the workshop, her self-confidence increased.

“I have learned many things during the workshop, and I know I will not be the same person anymore,” she said.