Local organization hands over water facility to IDPs in Mongalla

The Agency for Humanitarian Aid (AHA), a National Non-governmental Organization, on Saturday handed over a water facility to IDPs in Mongalla Town in Central Equatoria State’s Juba County to internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Jonglei State.

According to a press statement extended to Radio Tamazuj, the project was implemented through the Project for Sustainable Accessibility to Safe Water and Enhanced Wash Practices in Twic East County, Jonglei State, and funded by the Government of Japan.

“The handover ceremony was attended, among others, by Hon. Deng Dau Deng, the Member of Parliament representing Twic East, Jonglei State, in the National Legislature,” the statement said. “The project aims to strengthen accessibility to safe water and improve water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices of the vulnerable households through the provision of a solar-powered water supply system as well as promotion of behavior change on current hygiene and sanitation practices in targeted communities.”

“The project, originally located in Twic East County, Jonglei State, was transferred to a new location in Mongalla IDPS, Juba County, where most of the IDPs from Twic East were moved due to the persistent flood situation in the area,” it added.

The water point will benefit 3,000 households in the vicinity of the location of the water yard.

The event was also witnessed by local authorities in Mongalla and the host community.