File Photo: Torit Town

Church distributes food aid to over 300 families in Torit

The Assembly of Christ Witness Church in South Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria State Thursday donated food items to more than 300 households in the Odikolong residential area of Torit Municipality.

The Assembly of Christ Witness Church in South Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria State Thursday donated food items to more than 300 households in the Odikolong residential area of Torit Municipality.

Pastor Ojok Elijo Oromo of the church told Radio Tamazuj that after visiting the area earlier, he found many people in dire need of food and humanitarian assistance. 

He added that the food aid, 300 bags of flour and beans, is part of preaching the gospel.

“When I came to Torit and I found people are desperate. I found many people in need of assistance. The gospel has many ways of reaching the communities,” Pastor Elijo said. “The work of the Church is to work together with the community and help the community to benefit from the way the Gospel is being given to the people. So, we bring food as an approach for the Gospel to reach the people.”

Radio Tamazuj spoke to some of the beneficiaries. 

“Our elders are sick in their houses. Today this food is going to help them, we give thanks to you people from outside. Let God add you strength with these pastors who came to meet us here. Let God bless you, you have helped us today and we are very happy,” Mary Ayolo said. 

Ayoo Loyce said, “I am a poor woman who stays in Odikolong and I always got o the bush to fetch firewood for sale or I brew alcohol for sale so that I can eat and today God has blessed us in Odikolong here. This flour will help me cook for a period of a week or two weeks and I will rest from going to the bush for a while.” 

“This distribution is brought because our situation here is alarming. Getting food is difficult here and today the Church has helped in another way. This food is going to help most families at home for two or three days,” Omuony Charles another beneficiary said. 

Amaring Ikalwa Rose, Odikolong area sub-chief said it is the first time her people have received any aid from a local church. 

According to Ikalwa most families in the area survive by selling firewood and local brews to support their families. 

The Assembly of Christ Witness Church is a newly established protestant church in Torit town. 

Recently, Torit mayor Joseph Aye Joseph Oswaha pointed out that over 3,000 people in his municipality are in dire need of humanitarian aid following a poor harvest season.