Large force arrests ex-deputy defense minister

The former Deputy Minister of Defence Majak d’Agoot was arrested early this evening in Juba by a large mixed force of police and national security. 

The former Deputy Minister of Defence Majak d’Agoot was arrested early this evening in Juba by a large mixed force of police and national security. 

D’Agoot was warned earlier in the afternoon that he would be taken into custody. He had served as the number two at the defense ministry until the cabinet reshuffle last July.

“They came for him at 5:35,” said a relative of the politician who declined to be named, adding that the arrest was made at d’Agoot’s house in Mudiria area.

The detachment sent to make the arrest included five Land Cruiser pick-ups and one smaller car, mounted by armed police and plainclothes national security.

According to the source, D’Agoot was first taken to the police headquarters in Buluk, then to a house in the Amarat neighborhood.

He added that there were other detained politicians at the house whom he named as Gier Chuang, Deng Alor, Kosti Manibe, Cirino Hiteng, John Luk, and Madut Biar.

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