Land dispute claims 2 lives in Gogrial West county

Authorities in South Sudan’s Warrap State, have said that two ppeople were killed, five others wounded and some huts torched in a clashes over a disputed land in Gogrial West County on Wednesday.

Authorities in South Sudan’s Warrap State, have said that two ppeople were killed, five others wounded and some huts torched in a clashes over a disputed land in Gogrial West County on Wednesday.

The clashes betweeen the Awan Yeen Payam and the Akuac Payam erupted over the ownership of the Korou village. The disputed village is claimed by the Awan Yeen community although the people in the village annexed themselves to the Akuac Payam, according to a local official.  

Moses Tong Akeen, Awan Yeen deputy Payam Administrator said, “The youth from Awan Yeen have reported their concerns to my office that they don’t want their land to be taken to Akuac Payam and when government donated communication network and tried to install it yesterday, the youth from Awan Yeen organized themselves and fighting took place at around 12 o’clock.”

“One person called Manoon was killed and was from Korou, a woman from Awan Yeen was killed too, while the wounded people from Awan Yeen are four plus one person from Korou village. That makes a total of five who are now in Akon Health facility,” he added. 

Tong said at 4 am on Thursday, three houses in Awan Yeen and four houses in Korou were set ablaze. 

The local official reported that the few security forces on the ground couls not quell the situation but said the situation could stablilze when the state government deploys more fores to curb further violence.

Meanwhile,  Wol Ngong, the Executive Director of Gogrial West County confirmed the incident.

“It is a land dispute and the reason is that the national government wanted to install communication network in a disputed land,” he said.