Inmates at a prison facility in South Sudan. (Courtesy photo)

Lakes State: 175 prison inmates released in Yirol West County

Local authorities in Yirol West County of Lakes State released 175 inmates some of who finished serving their sentences and others convicted of cattle theft, adultery, and other minor offenses from the Maburzeett prison and Yirol main prison on Wednesday.

Local authorities in Yirol West County of Lakes State released 175 inmates some of who finished serving their sentences and others convicted of cattle theft, adultery, and other minor offenses from the Maburzeett prison and Yirol main prison on Wednesday.

The executive director of Yirol West County, Rin Maker Mading, told Radio Tamazuj Thursday said that they decided to release the 175 inmates from the two prisons because they were tried and set free by the various courts operating in the county.

“We have released 82 inmates from Maburzeett and 93 inmates from Yirol main prison, making a total of 175 inmates,” Maker said. “Some of those crimes were minor crimes caused by underage boys between 10-17 years of age. These inmates were tried by different courts which include the Town Bench, County, Mobile, and Special courts. These were the four courts that tried them.”

He said the complainants who brought cases against the released inmates can appeal.

“The courts already gave the complainants their rights. But the inmates are free to go and look for that the person who put them in prison and the other reason is that the cases which they committed are minor,” Commissioner Maker said.

He appealed to those who have committed offenses to report to the police for investigation and subsequent trial.

“My message is that those who have committed crimes should report to the authorities and the county authority will take them to the police to investigate the nature of the crime and the police will decide either to solve the problem there or send them to any court for trial,” Maker added.

He said urged the released inmates to settle their scores with the people who accused them amicably, and for those who took loans or stole to pay back.

The commissioner also revealed that two inmates convicted of murder but had finished their jail terms and paid the requisite fines had also been set free.

“As for the murderers plus those who were involved in sectional fighting, we have released only two people. They have completed their (prison) terms and also the amount given by the court as fines plus the cattle needed as blood compensation,” Commissioner Maker said.