Lakes: Plea for help to limping Nukta-Manga health center

Mothers in the remote villages of the Domuloto Payam are losing babies during delivery due to shortage of drugs and closure of the Nukta Manga Primary Healthcare Center (PHCC) in Wulu County of Lakes State, authorities said.

Deputy Paramount Chief and the chair of the Nukta Manga PHCC Moses Bilal Kulang told Radio Tamazuj that it only operated effectively between 2,000 to 2022.

“As it were, there is no hospital in Nukta-Manga and pregnant women have to travel long distances to deliver and sometimes babies arrive on the way, leading to deaths from complications,” he added.

Kulang mentioned the alternative health facilities as including Mvolo and Wulu, which are about 32 and 23 miles away respectively.

“We want the government to supply drugs to our hospital, because the staff keep telling us that the medicines are on the way.”

A patient, Julian Mangia, told Radio Tamazuj on Friday that she sought help at Nukta-Manga PHCC from a remote village but found no drugs.

“I want to say that our hospital is working, but currently there are no medicines, “she said.

 “They only write for you a prescription then ask you to go and purchase the drugs from a private chemist yet we live in remote villages where money is hard to come by,” she added.

Nukta-Manga PHCC Clinical officer James Kalah said there were no drugs for malaria, antibiotics, paracetamol and amoxicillin.

He said he keeps referring pregnant women and other patients to the distant Wulu whenever they sought help.

He also urged the government and health partners to supply the PHCC with drugs.