Kuajok man arrested for killing his daughter

The crime section of the police in the Warrap State capital, Kuajok, on Monday, said they arrested a man who murdered his daughter in Block 13 of the Gumel suburb of the town.

According to police, Madut Wol, 70, fought with his now-deceased daughter over the weekend and beat her with a thick stick to death.

Col. Andrea Santino Kuot, Director of the Crime Section of the police in Kuajok Town, confirmed that the suspect is in police custody and investigations into the matter are ongoing after which he will be arraigned in court.

“On Saturday 21 September 2024, at Gumel area, Block 13, the 70-year-old father by the name Madut Wol beat his daughter, Anyong Madut Wol, 40, to death,” he explained. “As they fought, the father struck his daughter with a big stick and the victim was brought at 8 p.m., we filled out Form 8 and she was taken to Kuajok Hospital. However, at 11:30 p.m. she passed on as a result of the beating according to the doctor.”

“After hearing about the death of the late Ayong Madut, we went to Gumel and apprehended the suspect, investigated the witnesses, and put him in police custody, we have opened case number 206 of murder and he will be produced in court tomorrow, Tuesday,” Col. Kuot added.

He the family issue will be judged by judicial authorities as the woman is married and has her family and the suspect is her father.

The police officer advised families to address challenges amicably without resorting to violence and also encouraged people to report problems to the police.

“The 70-year-old man is at the age we expect a person not to have a short temper like the young people whose blood is still hot and commit similar crimes,” Col. Kout stated. “For this old man, it is scary if he is sentenced to many years in prison at this age, it is something bad in nature.”

Meanwhile, Kuajok Municipal Council Mayor Solomon Mathuc urged residents to report potential conflicts to the police.

“I would like to say a few things about crimes and how safe the people living in Kuajok Town are. This is not the only crime that has happened and there is a rise in criminal activities in Kuajok including robberies on the roads which start in the evening from 6:45-10 or 11 p.m.,” he said. “Robbers snatch phones and handbags along the roads and one of my staff members was a victim and his bag was taken with official documents and stamps and police are pursuing the criminals.”

Mathuc admitted that the police lack patrol vehicles and that the town has inadequate police personnel to combat crime as many officers have been deployed in far-flung areas of the state. He said they will try to deploy more policemen in the town to reduce crime.