Koang says South Sudan cabinet directs establishment of cantonment sites in Equatoria

Gen. James Koang Chol, a member of the armed opposition on the Joint Military Ceasefire Commission, says South Sudan’s cabinet has directed the committee officially to establish cantonment sites in the Equatoria region.

Gen. James Koang Chol, a member of the armed opposition on the Joint Military Ceasefire Commission, says South Sudan’s cabinet has directed the committee officially to establish cantonment sites in the Equatoria region.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, Koang stated the JMCC will meet Wednesday to identify areas and direct armed opposition forces to report to those areas.

“What is new in the security arrangement is that the Council of Ministers has brought a letter in the last two days to establish cantonment areas in Equatoria,” said Koang. 

Regarding cantonment sites in Bahr el Ghazal, Koang said the government is waiting for CTSAMM mechanism to assess the presence of SPLA-IO forces in the area.

Salva Kiir’s faction of the SPLA has previously maintained that the SPLA-IO has no presence in Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria.

File photo: General James Koang Chol