Khartoum to grant legal residence to half a million South Sudanese refugees

The Sudanese government signed a memorandum of understanding Sunday with the UN’s refugee agency to allow 500,000 South Sudanese refugees to stay and work in Sudan.

The Sudanese government signed a memorandum of understanding Sunday with the UN’s refugee agency to allow 500,000 South Sudanese refugees to stay and work in Sudan.

The MoU was signed by Sudan’s Director General of Immigration Ahmed Atta Mannan, Refugees Commissioner Hamad Al-Jazuli, and UNHCR Represetative Mohammed Adar.

“There are about half a million citizens of South Sudan will benefit from this Memorandum of Understanding, including those who are stranded here before the outbreak of violence in South Sudan in December of last year,” said Adar.

He added that the refugees will gain a range of rights including obtaining permission to enter, stay, work legally, and access to services and freedom of movement in accordance with the directives of President Omar al-Bashir.

“The people of South Sudan are our brothers and sisters, and they will enjoy the same treatment like the Sudanese citizens,” Adar said.