Juba Stadium. (Courtesy photo)

Juba Local Football Association elects new steering committee

The Juba Local Football Association (JLFA) over the weekend during an extraordinary general assembly meeting held at the MTC Training Center in Juba, elected a new steering committee.

The Juba Local Football Association (JLFA) over the weekend during an extraordinary general assembly meeting held at the MTC Training Center in Juba, elected a new steering committee.

The newly elected committee headed by Morris Felix, is tasked to revive football sporting activities in Juba.

Speaking after the elections on Saturday, the head of the general assembly’s preparatory committee, Juma Auoreo, said the election came after the Juba sports clubs agreed to implement the directives of the South Sudan Football Association (SSFA).

“The sports clubs in Juba have agreed to implement the SSFA directives to call for a general assembly meeting,” he said.

Meanwhile, Abdalla Delesuk, a member of the SSFA legal committee, said he hoped that the new steering committee would restart sporting activities.

“We hope that the election of the Juba Local Football Association steering committee will be the signal for the resumption of football activities in Juba,” he said.

Delesuk called on the elected members to exercise wisdom and to put the public interest of the JLFA above their interests.

For his part, Mujahid Ali, an SSFA board member, congratulated the newly elected steering committee and urged them to work on resuming the football activities in Juba as soon as possible.

Last week, the president of Nasir Sports Club of Juba in Central Equatoria State, Yohanis Musa Puol, resigned from the club citing disappointment with the suspension of sports activities by the Juba Local Football Association.

JLFA decided to suspend football activities in Juba due to an administrative dispute with the South Sudan Football Association (SSFA) in matters related to stadium management.

Earlier this year, the SSFA suspended members of the board of directors of JLFA over a longstanding dispute over the ownership of Juba Stadium.