Juba crisis: Clashes around compounds of politicians Riek and Taban

Police have launched operations in the Amarat neighborhood of central Juba to contain armed elements said to be loyal to the ex-vice president Riek Machar.

Police have launched operations in the Amarat neighborhood of central Juba to contain armed elements said to be loyal to the ex-vice president Riek Machar.

Heavy fighting in the Amarat area near the presidential palace since morning may be linked to the operation. 

According to a source with access to the Minister of Interior Aleu Ayieny Aleu, the police are clearing the area in Amarat.

The minister says that the police raided the houses of Riek Machar and Taban Deng Gai, the former governor of Unity State.

It is not yet clear whether the compounds have been breached, and security forces are said to be continuing to search for elements loyal to the former vice president.

Radio Tamazuj has confirmed, meanwhile, that many of the politicians arrested yesterday are being held at the house of Inspector-General of Police Pieng Deng Kuol, which is also located in the Amarat neighborhood.

There may be as many as six former ministers at the location, as well as a former governor and the recently ousted deputy minister of defense.

Fighting within the vicinity has damaged the house of the Inspector-General, but detainees are thought to be still inside.

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