Juba-Bor Highway attack: Youth body official in critical condition

A vehicle transporting a delegation of the Bor Community Youth Association (BCYA) to Juba was attacked along the Juba-Bor Highway in Central Equatoria’s Mogeri town on Sunday, leaving three passengers including the body’s Secretary-General Wal Alier Moses injured.

A vehicle transporting a delegation of the Bor Community Youth Association (BCYA) to Juba was attacked along the Juba-Bor Highway in Central Equatoria’s Mogeri town on Sunday, leaving three passengers including the body’s Secretary-General Wal Alier Moses injured.

The association’s chairperson, Kur Ayuen Kou, told Radio Tamazuj that the BYCA officials were ambushed while on the way to Juba from the Jonglei State capital of Bor where they had attended a ceremony.

“What happened is very unfortunate. A delegation left to attend a groundbreaking ceremony at Bor Girls Maternity Hospital. While on their way back, they were attacked at the outskirts of Mogeri,” he said. “The head of the delegation and association’s Secretary-General Wal Alier was injured in the head and he is in critical condition and will undergo surgery today (Monday). The driver was also shot in the hand and another executive member suffered a minor injury.”

According to Ayuen, no arrests have so far been made in connection with the incident.

“The attackers were not identified but ambushes have been escalating on Juba-Bor road recently. Countless number of people have been killed,” he said. “There seems to be an organized group targeting civilian road users because you cannot just open fire on a car when you do not know the occupant. This is a threat to the road and it is a national security threat.”

The youth leader said that they would file a case with the police so that an investigation could be instituted into the incident.

“We are now in an emergency rescuing the injured people. The incident occurred in Mogeri town and not far from security forces,” Ayuen added. “The good thing is that when the car was demobilized, the injured secretary-general was put in a police car and brought to Juba. The car which was shot is there and we are going to open a case with the police.”