Juba airport resumes operations after communication failure

South Sudan has resumed flight services at Juba Airport after restoring a failed communications system at the control tower yesterday, the country’s Civil Aviation Agency said.

South Sudan has resumed flight services at Juba Airport after restoring a failed communications system at the control tower yesterday, the country’s Civil Aviation Agency said.

Mathiang Maker Thon , Acting Civil Aviation Officer, told Radio Tamazuj that the airport had resumed its activities on Sunday morning after a disruption caused by a communications shutdown.

He noted that domestic and international flights were suspended on Saturday following the communication failure.

Maker further said the problem with the system was preventing communication between airplanes and the control tower.

“Since our independence we did not bring new radios, so we have been using old radios. On Friday evening, the old radios stopped working and on Saturday there were no incoming and outgoing flights,” Maker said.

The agency said that the communication failure has already been fixed.