Juba: 7 killed in fatal car crash

At least seven people were killed after a car on Saturday ploughed into a group of pedestrians and motorists at Rock City in the capital Juba, police said.

At least seven people were killed after a car on Saturday ploughed into a group of pedestrians and motorists at Rock City in the capital Juba, police said.

Gen. Daniel Justin, Spokesperson of South Sudan Police Service, told Radio Tamazuj on Sunday that the incident occurred on Saturday at around 10 p.m. in the Rock City neighborhood.

Gen. Justin explained that the incident occurred when a Toyota V8 vehicle, registered as SSD 996L, rammed into a building after knocking three people dead at the Seventh Day Roundabout.

 “The incident happened at around 10 pm. A V8 car was heading to Rock City, and the driver was drunk. So he knocked motorcyclists who died on the spot, and the car was still moving. The car also ran over a young lady selling fruits, who died on the spot. The car also rammed into a building,” he explained.

The police officer said the driver has been arrested, pointing out that investigations are occurring to establish the reasons behind his actions.

“We have arrested the driver, but he is also injured,” Justin said.

The Traffic Police at Gudele also issued a statement on Sunday describing the incident as one of the most horrific accidents reported in Juba.

 “The traffic police at Gudele One have registered a fatal accident at Rock City where a car rammed into a building after knocking people to death along Seventh Day Roundabout,” the traffic police said.