Women at a hand pump in Panyagor, Jonglei State. Photo credit: LWF/ B. Germamo

Jonglei’s Uror County appeals for water supply

Authorities of Jonglei State’s Uror County have appealed for intervention to resolve the clean water shortage in the area.

County Commissioner James Gatkhor Gatluak told Radio Tamazuj that the water shortage was exacerbating the already dire health situation.

“Of over 300 boreholes across the county, 80 have broken down while 27 others have run dry. This is a problem to our local population and livestock because there is not enough water,” he said.

“Uror is the second most populous county after Bor with a population of 245, 000, so we need more boreholes dug and the broken ones repaired. This is our plea to the aid agencies and well-wishers,” said the Commissioner.

The County Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) Coordinator, Gatwang Jokthiang Machar, also appealed for intervention. He said they have been engaging aid agencies to help fix the dilapidated boreholes but were to be assisted.