Jonglei State Deputy Governor Jacob Akec Dengdit (in red jacket) being welcomed in Ayod. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

Jonglei State govt holds rallies in remote areas to disseminate peace

A series of rallies to disseminate the 2018 revitalized peace agreement and shun recurring intercommunal violence is ongoing in remote parts of Jonglei State cut off from the state capital, Bor.

A series of rallies to disseminate the 2018 revitalized peace agreement and shun recurring inter-communal violence is ongoing in remote parts of Jonglei State cut off from the state capital, Bor.    

The initiative started on 18 August and covers the northern counties of Duk, Uror, and Ayod. The state’s deputy governor, Jacob Akec Dengdit, is spearheading the campaign.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj from Ayod town on Thursday, Deputy Governor Akec, said they embarked on the initiative to appeal to youths to desist from the inter-communal violence as the dry season approaches and instead prepare them for elections scheduled for 2024.

“In this security, stability, and peace mission, we are appealing to our youths to remain peaceful and not to mobilize themselves to attack Greater Pibor,” he said. “They should instead protect themselves within the territory of Jonglei State. We started this on 18 August in Yuai, Uror County, moving from one village to the other and now we are in Ayod.”

He added: “My mission is also tackling the issue of cattle theft which always leads to fighting among our local youths and I also saw for myself the lack of communication network and how our people are suffering without services.”

The state official pointed out that his mission would act as a wake-up call to inform government intervention.

Meanwhile, James Chuol Jiek, the Ayod County commissioner, and his Duk counterpart, Peter Latjor Chuol, said they are involved in the ongoing campaigns because they believe peace is vital for the delivery of services to the people.

They called on the state and national governments to improve service delivery and empower youth to keep them engaged.