Jonglei State Assembly speaker reshuffles committee chairpersons

The speaker of the Jonglei State Transitional Legislative Assembly, Amer Ateny Alier, on Monday issued a decree reshuffling the house’s chairpersons of standing specialized committees.

The speaker of the Jonglei State Transitional Legislative Assembly, Amer Ateny Alier, on Monday issued a decree reshuffling the house’s chairpersons of standing specialized committees.      

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, Speaker Amer said she made the changes after consultations with the relevant leaders of the parties to the peace agreement in the state.

Peter Deng Aguer, Buol Lual Mayen, Racheal Athiak Ruei, and Deng Chuol Bei were moved to head the specialized committees on parliamentary and legal affairs; culture, youth and sports; roads and bridges; and general education and instruction respectively. They replace Hellen Akech Marial, Kuol Bol Ayom, Abiel Chan Anyang, and Koang Nyot Diu, accordingly.  

The speaker also appointed Rebecca Nyadak Tut as the South Sudan Opposition Alliance’s (SSOA) chief whip. James Yien Jal and Deng Bol were also appointed to succeed Mary Ayom Deng and Gatluak Gabriel Jock as deputy chairpersons of specialized committees on animal resources and tourism, and local government and security, respectively.

“My decision to make changes in the specialized committees’ heads and that of the deputies was after consultation with the respective parties because all heads are from SPLM party and the two deputies from SSOA,” Speaker Amer said.

The assembly’s spokesperson, Wany Bum, said the appointment of Nyadak as SSOA’s chief whip is per the peace agreement’s 35 percent affirmative action quota for women and reiterated the assembly’s commitment to delivering services to the people of Jonglei State.