Jonglei, Pibor communities recommit themselves to peace

The communities of Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) have recommitted to peacefully coexist among themselves.

The communities of Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) have recommitted to peacefully coexist among themselves.

The recommitment by representatives of Lou Nuer, Dinka Bor and the Murle, was made during a 10- day grass-root peace conference concluded in the Pieri area in Uror County of Jonglei State on Wednesday.

The delegates agreed on the return of all those abducted from all the communities, end violence, allow for free movement of traders, and punishment of those found in defiance of peace conference resolutions.

Jacob Lokocho Nyaphi, a representative of the Murle community, said: “The peace conference was fruitful. We were 17 from the Greater Pibor area, 17 from Greater Bor, and over 20 from Greater Akobo. We reviewed the implementation of the Juba peace conference. We resolve to stop cattle raiding, collect abducted children, and community integration.”

Tang Chatim, the Uror County commissioner, said the greater Lou Nuer community welcomed the community peace initiative, and that efforts to recover all the abducted children are ongoing.

“We welcome the move taken by the greater Pibor to recover 43 children and women. On our side, more than 15 Murle children and women have been recovered in Pieri,” he said.

James Apay Ochala, the head of the Jonglei peace commission, urged all the Jonglei communities to desist from violence, saying they will work with partners and community leaders to ensure that peace is achieved in the region.

David Garang Goc, the head of the Jonglei Civil Society Network, welcomed the grassroots peace initiative. He, however, said basic services such as education and roads should be provided by the government for such initiatives to hold.

The communities of the greater Jonglei state have for a long time been warring, raiding each other’s cattle and child abductions have been prevalent.

In June 2020, following intense inter-communal clashes that saw thousands dead and several others injured in parts of Jonglei State and the greater Pibor area, President Salva Kiir constituted an investigation committee tasked with identifying the root causes of the conflicts and recommend solutions. The committee was headed by Vice President James Wani Igga.

In January 2021, the committee organized a three-day peace conference among the communities of Jonglei State and the greater Pibor area in Juba, where the rival groups agreed to bury their differences and embrace peace.