Jonglei State Governor Denay Jock Chagor. (File photo)

Jonglei information minister: There was no assassination attempt on Governor Chagor

The minister of information in Jonglei State, Elizabeth Nyadak John, has dismissed as a fabrication a widely circulated social media report alleging that Governor Denay Jock Chagor survived an assassination attempt by one of his bodyguards on Monday night.

The minister of information in Jonglei State, Elizabeth Nyadak John, has dismissed as a fabrication a widely circulated social media report alleging that Governor Denay Jock Chagor survived an assassination attempt by one of his bodyguards on Monday night.

Nyadak told Radio Tamazuj Tuesday that the report was groundless and intended to create confusion.

“What happened yesterday (Monday) at 7 p.m. is completely different from what has been posted. What was posted yesterday was that the governor survived an assassination attempt and this is just a white lie,” she said. “What happened was that one of the bodyguards of Governor Denay was putting down his bed nets when he accidentally touched a trigger of his guns. The soldier only sustained a very minor injury to his forehead.”

Minister Nyadak clarified that the person alleged to have tried to kill the governor is said to be Yak Peter Gadet Yak yet there is no such person among the governor’s guards.

“The late Gen. Gatdet Yak does not have any son called Yak who is alive with us because his son Yak was killed in 2013,” she added.

Ruac Wanlow, Governor Denay’s press secretary, declined to comment, saying he was engaged with official duties.