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BOR - 3 Jan 2017

Jonglei governor sacks deputy, appoints new officials

Philip Aguer Panyang, governor of Jonglei state has issued several orders sacking and appointing new officials into various public offices in the area.

 The orders which became public on Monday, removed from the office of deputy governor Peter Wal Athieu. Other officials affected by the changes include political advisor Agot Alier Leek, minister for education, minister for finance and minister for physical infrastructure.  Susan Lith Aluong was removed from her position as the minister of education, Ayom Mach Jok from the ministry of finance and James Akec Yen from the ministry of physical infrastructure

Agot Alier was named the new deputy governor and Susan Lith Aluong as political advisor, Ayom Mach Jok as education minister, Abel Manyok Jok as physical infrastructure minister and James Akech Yen Alier as finance minister.