The government of Jonglei State has paid 30,000 pounds to transport back to Uganda the bodies of three men killed by a policeman in Bor, according to the Chairman of the Ugandan community in Jonglei, Alex Taban.
A member of the South Sudanese national police service opened fire in Marol Market on Wednesday killing three Ugandans and wounding another and a Sudanese.
The shooting “sent shock waves across Bor,” Sudan Tribune reported, saying that foreign businessmen and women protested on streets of Bor on Thursday and closed their shops in a show of solidarity with the victims.
On Friday the chairperson of the Ugandan community told Radio Miraya that the state government gave 30,000 pounds total for transportation of the bodies of the victims first to Juba then to Uganda for burial.
“The injured are also going. We have one injured person who is going to be treated in our homeland,” he said. Also he called on the business community to stay calm: “What I can tell our people is not to take action. The person who did it is at the police station.”
Meanwhile the state MP Philip Thon Nyok has called for the shooter to be sentenced and given the harshest possible penalty.
“I strongly condemn this barbaric action and I think the judiciary should speed up its work and give a possible harshest sentence to send a message to the people,” he said.
Policeman shoots dead three Ugandans in Bor (11 Dec.)