Jonglei: Floods disrupt immunization program in Twic East County

Routine immunization programs in Twic East County of Jonglei State have been disrupted by floods since last year, raising fears of an increase in vaccine-preventable diseases among children, authorities said.

Routine immunization programs in Twic East County of Jonglei State have been disrupted by floods since last year, raising fears of an increase in vaccine-preventable diseases among children, authorities said.

Dr. Chol Leek, the county health director, told Radio Tamazuj that they have not been able to reach out to mothers stranded in flooded areas of Twic East after the facilities serving them shut down due to the floods.

“This issue has been existing since the floods started and our Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) has been affected because many people were displaced to Bor and other places,” he said. “Across the county, eight facilities were closed down and each facility was supposed to have an EPI outreach twice a month to serve at least 15 children.”

“The EPI team cannot reach out to those stranded in Nyuak, Ajuong, Pakeer, and even Kongoor Payam and they are unable to come to us in Panyagoor,” Dr. Leek added.

The health official warned his ministry’s target of keeping children safe is far from reach because of the floods.

“All the vaccine-preventable diseases among children like polio, measles, and even tetanus vaccines for mothers are affected,” he said.    

Meanwhile, Deng Mabeny, the Twic East County commissioner, said children have been missing out on vaccination because they are scattered across dry lands in the county.
“The county authorities and partners are trying because there are speed boats but again large parts of the county remain cut off because they are inaccessible and vaccines need cold chains which cannot be carried in speed boats,” he said.

Commissioner Mabeny however said they plan to launch a campaign in the areas that are cut off so that mothers can bring children to Panyagoor town for vaccination.

Twic East is one of the counties worst hit by the floods since 2020 and the road leading there from Bor town has since been cut off.