Jonglei State Health Minister Atong Kuol Manyang (Radio Tamazuj photo)

Jonglei: DG says his suspension by health minister ‘illegal’

The Suspended Director-General at the Jonglei State Ministry of Health says his suspension by the state minister is illegal.

The Suspended Director-General at the Jonglei State Ministry of Health says his suspension by the state minister is illegal.

On Wednesday, Health Minister Atong Kuol Manyang issued an order suspending the ministry’s director-general Chot Kueth Kulong for three months over alleged misconduct.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Saturday, Chot Kueth said his suspension order came after he fell out with the minister. He disclosed that he differed with his boss over new appointees at the ministry.

 “The reason why the minister suspended me was about the assignment of staff like directors, deputy directors, assistant directors, and others,” he said. “What happened is that I drafted the assignment and shared it with her. She was supposed to call us to finalize the appointments, but instead, she revised the draft and posted it on the notice board without my knowledge as the director-general. After that, we disagreed because it was supposed to be my work. “

The senior official, however, said that he was ready for investigations.

 “I don’t have any problem if I am investigated. You know it is my role as the director-general, which is being taken by the minister. Article 15 of the Civil Service Act gives the director-general roles and responsibilities to appoint directors because at the end, they will be reporting to me, and I will report to the minister,” Chot said.

He added, “I am now suspended, and I accepted to be investigated, but if she fails, I will take the issue to the higher authority to see if I have the right or not.”

Minister Atong could not immediately be reached for comment.

According to Article 15 (a) of the Civil Service Act, 2011, an Under-Secretary or most senior civil servant of a Commission or public institution has to be the appointing officer for all civil servants, officials and employees on Grades lower than Super Grade.