JMEC calls on parties to stand down, says Juba security deteriorating

The Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission has called on all parties in South Sudan to refrain from using force, saying that the security situation in Juba is deteriorating.

The Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission has called on all parties in South Sudan to refrain from using force, saying that the security situation in Juba is deteriorating.

JMEC said it is deeply concerned about the recent episodes of fighting which have taken place, saying that any conflict could be in flagrant violation of the permanent ceasefire agreement.

JMEC said the report of fighting between the SPLA and SPLA-IO in Juba is “worrisome.”

The group said it has also received reports of shooting in various parts of Juba targeting innocent citizens and some members fo the international community. Radio Tamazuj earlier reported that the head of UNESCO was shot but survived last night in Juba.

Meanwhile, the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) deplored the attack on the senior UN official, believed to be the UNESCO head, yesterday.

“Such an act constitutes a grave violation of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and the United Nations,” UNMISS said, calling on the authorities to investigate what took place.

“The UN and the international community are here to assist the people of South Sudan on their road to peace, and under no uncertain terms should its installation/premises or personnel be subjected to targeting nor violence,” the group said.

UNMISS further condemned “in the strongest terms” the resurgance of violence in the country particularly in Juba, Wau, and Bentiu over the last week.

UNMISS called on all parties to end the ongoing fighting and refrain from inflicting further violence against innocent civilians.