Jamus FC begins new season preparations in Rwanda

Jamus FC, the champion of the 13th South Sudan National Cup and newly promoted to the top tier in Juba, has started its training camp in Rwanda for the upcoming season’s local, national, and continental games.

On Friday morning, the team held its first training session at Bugesera Stadium. The two-hour session included 25 players, led by coach John Alier, his assistant technical staff, and club secretary Emmanuel Fabio. The training focused on physical fitness tests, measurements, and weight assessments.

Coach John Alier spoke to Radio Tamazuj during the training, expressing his satisfaction with the camp location in Rwanda. He described the atmosphere and the city as excellent, noting that the environment contributes positively to their preparation.

“Our preparation is progressing well. We are currently in the first stage, focusing on physical fitness. This will be followed by a stage concentrating on skills and a final stage involving tactical work and friendly matches. This will complete our three-week preparatory program in Rwanda,” Alier explained.

Alier announced that Jamus FC will play at least three friendly matches before returning to Juba. The team is targeting specific clubs for these matches, including Bukasera, which has generously hosted their training sessions and adjusted its schedule to accommodate them.

“We are grateful to the management of Bukasera Club for allowing us to use their stadium and for adjusting their schedule to ensure our training went smoothly,” Alier said.

He praised the high morale of the players, noting that the camp’s purpose is to prepare them effectively for upcoming African and local competitions.

The Jamus FC delegation arrived in Rwanda early Wednesday morning, traveling from Juba via Kenya to establish their preparatory camp for the 2024/25 season. The delegation includes 34 members: 25 players and nine technical and administrative staff, led by club secretary Emmanuel Fabio.

The team’s three-week camp in Rwanda is part of their preparation for the new season, which will include participating in the Confederation of African Football (CAF) competitions, the South Sudan Local Cup in Juba, the local first division league, and the South Sudan National Super Cup.