The Aweil East County Court sentenced seven South Sudanese traders to six months in prison for launching an attack on foreign traders earlier this month in Wanyjok of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State.
Thirteen South Sudanese traders from Aweil East County including a county officer launched an attack on foreign traders during the market day over the pricing of goods. They accused the foreigners of selling at cheap prices and also moving into remote areas to sell their goods directly to the locals.
No one was killed in the incident, but at least one Kenyan trader sustained injuries.
After several weeks of investigation and court proceedings, six south Sudanese traders were fined and released while seven traders were sentenced to six months’ jail time.
“Protection of the foreigners is in the hands of the government of the country,” commented a source close to the county commissioner.
Deputy Chairman of the County Chamber of Commerce Anuai Mou Akoon, one of the six traders who were released, said that he had stood accused of having incited South Sudanese traders to fight the foreign traders.
The court fined the six traders including the county officer 400 pounds each, to be paid before leaving the court.
County prison authorities declined to comment on the case.