Interior Minister warns against New Year’s Eve gunfire

South Sudan’s Minister for Interior on Saturday issued a warning to both citizens and members of the organized forces, urging them to refrain from discharging firearms into the air during the upcoming New Year’s celebration.

South Sudan’s Minister for Interior on Saturday issued a warning to both citizens and members of the organized forces, urging them to refrain from discharging firearms into the air during the upcoming New Year’s celebration.

Speaking at a press conference in Juba, Minister Angelina Teny emphasized that anyone caught shooting a gun, whether a civilian or a member of the organized forces, will face legal consequences.

Addressing the media, Angelina stated, “We want to make it clear that if anyone discharges a firearm into the air, it provides us with an opportunity to apprehend individuals who have not surrendered their weapons during the search in Juba and other states.”

“Therefore, if you have concealed your firearm and we have not discovered it, firing it gives us the chance to apprehend you, hold you accountable, and confiscate the weapon. For members of the organized forces, it is crucial to remember that we issued you weapons not for celebratory gunfire but to protect the citizens and their properties,” Angelina added.

“There is a law governing the possession of firearms without licenses, and the associated punishment is clearly defined by the law. Shooting a weapon constitutes a separate offense, subject to its own set of legal consequences. Whether you are a civilian or a member of the organized forces, if you discharge a firearm in an unauthorized manner, our rules and regulations are in place to address such actions,” she emphasized

“These regulations are designed to hold accountable any member of the organized forces who misuses the weapons entrusted to them for the protection of our country,” Minister Angelina added.

Additionally, she announced plans to deploy additional joint forces nationwide, building on the 3,000 already deployed during Christmas, to ensure the safety of citizens.

Angelina reassured citizens and members of the diplomatic corps about their safety, emphasizing that the deployed forces would be ensuring security. She also issued a warning against drunk driving during the New Year celebration.

“We are intensifying our deployment, surpassing the presence seen during Christmas. This is not for any specific reason other than to guarantee a peaceful celebration of the New Year for our citizens and the international community present in South Sudan,” explained the Interior Minister.

She continued, “Traditionally, every New Year sees incidents like gunfire, accidents, and more. This year, our aim is to prevent any mishaps. Hence, we appeal to everyone driving to abstain from alcohol. If you are traveling in a group, ensure that at least one person refrains from drinking so they can safely drive everyone back home.”

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