Inter-community peace conference concludes in Mayendit county

A three-day inter-community peace conference concluded Monday in Rupkuay of Mayendit county, Unity state.

A three-day inter-community peace conference concluded Monday in Rupkuay of Mayendit county, Unity state. 

The conference, organized by the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Civil Affairs Division in Unity state, was attended by more than 75 participants including the county commissioners of Leer, Koch, and Mayendit. 

Mayendit county commissioner Dr. Gatluak Nyang enumerated some of the resolutions to Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday. 

“The people recommended that this dialogue should continue, revenge killing should be handled and joint forces be deployed to control cattle raiding and revenge killing activities in the three areas. The people recommended a joint force that will do the blood compensation to address the issue of revenge killings,” he said. 

He noted that since last month, the cases of cattle raids have reduced and stressed that chiefs who attended the dialogue have vowed to stop raids among the communities

“The community chiefs on both sides have recommitted themselves that they will not allow such things to happen again between the three communities. The chiefs expressed readiness to prevent any cattle raiding activities in which cows are taken from either Mayendit to Leer or Leer to Koch or Mayendit counties anymore,” he assured. 

Commissioner Nyang revealed that a similar conferences will be conducted in Leer and Koch counties after which a final conference will be conducted in the state capital Bentiu which Governor Dr. Joseph Nguen Monytuil will attend.