Integrity South Sudan decries Nimule border corruption

Local NGO Integrity South Sudan on Thursday raised concerns about alleged widespread corruption at the Nimule border crossing.

The organization claimed that migration officers were charging SSP60,000 per person for travel permits, without issuing receipts, a practice they deem unacceptable.

“This blatant disregard for transparency and accountability is unacceptable,” stated Chief Executive Director Luate Satimon.

He highlighted the burden the fee placed on ordinary citizens, hindering their ability to travel for education or family visits.

He added that the lack of receipts deprived the government of crucial revenue that could be used for vital public services like the Juba-Nimule road repair.

Integrity South Sudan estimates that thousands of citizens were affected daily, potentially resulting in millions of South Sudan Pounds in lost government revenue annually.

“This practice not only undermines the integrity of government institutions, but also hinders the free movement of citizens and hampers economic activity,” Satimon explained.

The organization is calling for immediate action.

“Integrity South Sudan calls upon the relevant authorities, including the Minister of Interior and Anti-Corruption Commission, to launch an immediate and thorough investigation into these allegations and conduct a comprehensive audit of revenue collection at the border,” he urged.

He also recommended stricter measures to ensure transparency and accountability, including the mandatory issuance of official receipts for all fees collected and the clear display of the official fee schedules at all checkpoints.

Integrity South Sudan encouraged citizens to report any instances of corruption at the Nimule border to the Anti-Corruption Commission.