Insufficient funds available for South Sudan parliament

Speaker of the National Assembly Manasseh Magok Rundial complained today that parliament – the body of government that controls the allocation of budgets – has itself run short of money, forcing it to cut back on some of its activities and inhibiting its oversight role.

Speaker of the National Assembly Manasseh Magok Rundial complained today that parliament – the body of government that controls the allocation of budgets – has itself run short of money, forcing it to cut back on some of its activities and inhibiting its oversight role.

Until its reopening today the parliament had been on recess all year except for a brief extraordinary session to extend its own tenure by means of a constitutional amendment.

In his address to fellow legislators today, Manasseh noted that the national legislature has not been financially able to conduct all its activities. He said that transfer and follow-up of money from the Ministry of Finance is a nightmare.

“Frankly speaking, lack of funds continues to restrain performance of the standing specialized committee which is charged with carrying out work of the parliament. Some committees could neither make it, to meet the deadlines fixed for regional or international forums nor undertake exposure visits necessary for enrichment of experience and possible bench marking,” he said.

“Committee had to put off field visits necessary for oversight role due to lack of funds,” he said.  

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